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The World's Best 3D Social Network

Make Real Friends

Every avatar you meet in Utherverse® is another real person just like you exploring our virtual 3D world. Make friends, join groups and even start your own by referring others to join your cause.

Meet Real People

Everyone in Utherverse® has a story, and most who try it never leave. Thousands of our members make their living by managing virtual events, properties and other business inside the Utherverse® virtual world.

Massively Multiplayer

Meet Someone Special

Party The Night Away

There are free virtual events and online activities happening 24/7 in Utherverse®. With millions of profiles and thousands of 3D worlds to explore, there is always something happening in our virtual 3D social center. From art galleries to virtual weddings, the Utherverse® events calendar covers everything that's happening. Get creative and become a virtual clothing designer, selling your designs in our marketplace, or build a business within the virtual environment. The possibilities are truly endless so why not try it out. It's FREE to join, setup a profile and create your own avatar.

Concerts Events Conventions Seminars
Examples of Utherverse avatars

Create And Customize Your Avatar For Free

Choose from our infinite customization options for your avatar. You can choose your sex, race, body type, hair, clothing, tattoos and even piercings.