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DKtsMsqrdPet_DVK's Profile
41 years old 
Philadelphia, PENNSYLVANIA 
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Latest Blog Entries: No blog entries found.
Last Profile Login: 10/25/2011
Last World Login: 7/24/2010
Member Since: 9/8/2008
General Info
I Am Here For: To Explore My Sexuality, To Meet People
Marital Status: Single
Children: Eventually
Education: High School
Religion: Atheist
Smoke: Yes
Drink: Yes
Occupation: N/A
Body Type: Full Figured
Height: 5' 7"
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Languages: English
Sexy Stuff
I Am Looking For: Real Life Relationship, friends and hopefully a relationship with someone
Sexual Fantasies: Fetishes, Toys, food fetish
Sex is Best: Casual, Passionate, Loving
Cybersex: No
I Want You To: Play Along With My Fantasy, Tell Me You Love Me, Meet Me In Person If We Really Click
Cybersex Personality: Loving, Passionate, Threesomes, Fun With Toys, Nasty, Kinky, Aggressive
My Web Gifts

A gift from uname

Sent 12/12/2012
Social Status
DKtsMsqrdPet_DVK's Scoop
About me:

Hot MySpace Layouts
MySpace Layouts
um,I have nothing to say about myself,so forget it myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
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Three is Company, Chip n" Dale Rescue Rangers, Drawn Together,Drawn Together Robot Chicken, Garfield and Friends myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics and no not Garfield the movie :>Because it sucks a$$, Tom and Jerry:> the early episodes,myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Aqua Teen Hunger Force,myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Family Guy, myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Futurama,Harvey Birdman, the BoonDocks, The Simpsons, Lupin the 3rd, The Oblongs,Oblongs Perfect Hair Forever, SeaLab 2021, Moral Orel, American DaD,myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Stroker and Hoop, Metalocalypse, Venture Bros., UnderGrads, Smurfs, the Snorks, Felix the cat, Classic Cartoons,myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics The Flintstones, the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Time Squad, Pirates of the Darkwater, Venus Wars, Tenchi Muyo, the Gummi Bears:> Especially the Dutch,German,French AND Swedish version, ThunderCats, Conan the Adventurer, The Care Bears,myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Mythbusters, Korgoth, the Littles, South Park,myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Xmen the cartoon--not the NEW series: >more like the older ones;>>like as in the older episodes, Mighty Max, King of the Hill, Robert Schimmel-"UNPROTECTED" Hilarious Stand-up Comedy, DuckTales,All in the Family, Project A-Ok, Realtime with Bill Maher, Penn & Teller's Bu!!sh!T, Good Eats, OZ HBO Series,Scenes From OZ
Add to My Profile | More Videos Rome HBO Series, Lucky Louie, Deadwood, Autopsy, Eddie Izzard, Black Adder, Demon City, MagicKinght Rayearth, Legend of Zelda the series, "The Super Mario Bros Super Show, Dunegons and Dragons Cartoon series, Johnny Bravo, Superman the cartoon, GhostBusters the animated series, the Powerpuff Girls, Rurouri Kenshin, RobinHood the animated series, Pacman the series, Dave the Barbarian, Mr.Bean, Invader Zim,myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Ren and Stimpy, myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Dilbert, 1994-1995 TV Show -The Critic, Duckman, The PJ's myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Sewing, Knitting-Well Blankets Not Sweaters, Cooking, Baking, Sometimes Reading, Playing Video Games >Mostly RGPs <amyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Dr.Michael Baden, Stephen Hawking, Alton Brown, Bill Gates, Captain Hero, Spanky Ham, and the Space Cadets Family Guy Burger King song
Add to My Profile | More Videos myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics .. myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics <amyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Dr.Michael Baden, Stephen Hawking, Alton Brown, Bill Gates, Captain Hero, Spanky Ham, and the Space Cadets myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics ..

Who I'd like to meet:
Why don't we wait for awhile and then I"ll tell you
More About DKtsMsqrdPet_DVK
My Other Profile/Website Links:
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Sewing, Knitting-Well Blankets Not Sweaters, Cooking, Baking, Sometimes Reading, Playing Video Games >Mostly RGPs alien plants
Add to My Profile | More Videos myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

My Favorite Websites:
Rock Music, Heavy Metal,Death Metal,myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Techno, Techno Remixes, Video Game Techno Remixes, European Techno Remixes,myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics German Rock Techno Remixes, Japan Anime Music Such As Themes, Orchestra, Symphony, Heavy Metal Mixed With Orchestra Or Symphony. myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
Action, Horror, Sci-Fi, Comedy and sometimes dramatic movies:>like really dramatic:>really really dramatic myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics The Ilaid of Homer>Written 800 B.C.E>Translated By Samual Butler, The Complete works of Edgar Allen Poe>By Centenary Edition, Wicca Unveiled-The Complete Rituals of Modern>By J.Philip Rhodes, Celtic Magic>By D.J.Conway, Malraux the Voices of Silence>By Andre Malraux, Fractured Questions>By Warren Mild, The Coming Economics Earthquack>By Larry Burkett myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics


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Friday, April 20, 2012 11:32 AM PSTReport Links  New!

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Friday, April 20, 2012 11:32 AM PSTReport Links  New!

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Sunday, February 19, 2012 08:42 AM PSTReport Links  New!

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Wednesday, February 09, 2011 04:06 AM PSTReport Links

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Saturday, April 24, 2010 02:42 PM PSTReport Links

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Sunday, February 14, 2010 03:09 AM PSTReport Links

Monday, December 07, 2009 03:06 PM PSTReport Links


Sunday, June 28, 2009 09:26 PM PSTReport Links

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009 11:27 AM PSTReport Links


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